Today is the last day of July? Really? This summer has flown by and I feel like we haven't done much. I mean, we have...but it's been a lot of testing and appointments for me. The boys haven't done a lot of fun/kid stuff, unfortunately.
I have signed them up for some activities at the library, but Kian refuses to participate in his age group program. I gave up. Karter's story time has unfortunately been during my appointments the last couple weeks, but we will go tomorrow. The library cancelled the one fishing program they were both excited to do. The other one they opted to stay with Kiara in our pool instead of going.
Every other town I drive through has tons of vacation Bible school signs and programs. Apparently, Palmyra, does not... bummer. Our church will be doing one at the end of the summer, but I had hoped for them to do more.
My appointments and testing are done for the foreseeable future. I cancelled my consult with anesthesia, as deemed unnecessary by hematologist. My OB can try to convince me later if she wishes. The ultrasound came out good last week. The band is still there, but small and doesn't seem to be growing and is not interfering with baby at all. The tech made sure to get lots of pictures of his hands and feet and everything was there and perfectly normal. He was quite the clown while she was trying to get things done. Putting his hands in the way, on his face, holding his leg up to his mouth, hands in mouth, etc. it was fun to watch. Do I ever remember to bring a dvd so they can record it? No!
I wanted to try to take the boys camping or some beaches and parks before summer is out. The super hot week combined with a broken filter on our small pool turned it green and it's now being taken down. There's been more changes around here, Kevin's made some changes with his career/job and it's been nice to have him here a little in the mornings. He's not as stressed and he enjoys not leaving the house at 4:30 am daily. Other than that, I'm trying to get organized for lessons to start up again soon, handing in paperwork to school district and planning, etc. Also, rearranging and organizing the house, as we have windows being installed in the upstairs in September. Karter will be switching bedrooms, but that can't happen until the windows are in. The apartment has been gutted and will be semi-finished after the windows have been replaced as well. We also rearranged and reorganized our "school/play/office" room. Then, there's also baby stuff to get ready. Any sizes and clothes I needed, we were blessed by Kevin's client with 3 huge boxes of fantastic stuff. Now, just a few things like crib sheets and other random stuff that's been worn out over the years.
Hopefully we will be able to do some fun summer stuff before the weather starts getting cool and school gets underway! We could all use a vacation, but, that will have to wait...
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