I think I can, I think I can

I'm thinking of joining scores of other bloggers (that I stalk, naturally) in their quest for achieving greatness...or just posting daily through this entire month. See, I've seen this before but I always feel like a poser, a copycat, if I do it too. Even though everyone else is doing it, it still seems like I'm a wannabe blogger... I digress. It's officially called: NaBloPoMo

What? you say? National Blog Posting Month. The *challenge* is to post every day for this entire month of November. (wait! stop! It's November? Already?!) To quote some googled website: "National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo, is a month long writing exercise intended to occur annually in November." Therefore, I sheepishly join the real bloggers, but somehow doubt I will succeed. You know, with 2 crazy boys who think sleep is not for them and reflux is fun at 10 at night and puked on my living room floor this morning. Yeah, I somehow think something may prevent me, but I shall press on!

*And on a side note, yes, Kian threw up on the floor this morning, after throwing up in his bed, the toilet and a towel in the middle of the night. Fun times were had by all. My extra hour of sleep wasted by vomiting 2 year olds. Thankfully, even with a little fever, he's acting "normal" just at a quieter level. After steam cleaning the carpets for 2 hours, we had a very relaxing day. Now, I must pre-schedule and draft lots of blogs for this month while my brain is working!

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