What do you DO all day, anyway?

You know, besides changing 6 diapers, taking little boys potty, dishes, making breakfast, lunch and dinner? Besides doing a load of laundry and diapers each day, hanging laundry out to dry, folding it, putting it away? Besides sweeping, vacuuming, tidying up toys? Besides taking a puppy out to play, potty and train him? Besides doing arts and craft projects with Kian, reading to both boys, singing patty cake with Karter and teaching him how to drink from a cup? Besides singing, dancing, counting, talking about spelling words, talking about construction vehicles, learning about dragons, dinosaurs, about crucifixion, lilacs, crickets, gardening, fish, healthy eating and why we brush our teeth? Oh...just, you know, nothing...

A little sliding glass door peekaboo/patty cake...

FREAKING OUT! OK, I don't know why I posted it because I can barely type without shuddering and literally I am gagging. There was one of these in my kitchen for 2 hours before Kevin came home to kill it, we didn't go in there the entire time! Ugh, ew!!!!!

A little makeover...

A little house-building and decorating...

Nothing much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy a can of RAID spray for roaches. That stuff is powerful!
It kills every thing in a few seconds.