Changes on the horizon: home, school and everything in between

One thing that's changed lately, that really needs to be changed back again, is that I need to stop going to bed after midnight or 1 am. It's killing me the next day. I've been doing this lately, so I can get some things done after the kids go to bed, after Kevin's off to bed, when it's quiet and I can finally sit down. Vicious cycle.

So, lots of changes around here lately, and lots coming up in the near future. It probably started with the trade-in of the Traverse to the Cruze. Financial changes, many tweaks, in different areas to make the money work more for us, and give us some more bumper room in our budget.

Then, there was decisions and discussions and back and forth about school for Kian. He is a very bright kid, he's a super fast learner and loves to learn. His preschool teacher had expressed the same concern I had about him being academically ahead, but socially/emotionally still 4-5 years old, as expected. Because, she had experienced him being bored in preschool, and subsequently getting other kids in trouble, or getting them going. Which, is this a major issue? No, not exactly. But, I am leery of the labeling that schools are so eager to slap on kids. Also, I wasn't eager put him on the bus at 7:40 in the morning and have him only come back after 4pm every afternoon. So, we made some decisions to not send Kian this year. Instead we are doing lessons at home, which he is eating up and loving the time to still have his free play and other options.

This, actually was a great decision for Kian, and us, as we continued to make other choices and decisions and changes. We have not taken any of these recent decisions lightly. We have filled up a notebook's worth of lists, comparisons, pros and cons, and more. All that to say, we've come to the decision to sell this house and find another that is a bit less work right now, with two young boys, and the other stuff we have going on. It isn't something we decided flippantly, and it's a big decision that was not easy to make. We have some options as far as potential buyers. We also have some potential houses to put an offer on coming up soon. We do not have a specific location, and are just looking in the 30 min or less radius of Mid-town so that Kevin doesn't have a super long drive to work. That frees us up for a lot of houses to look at, which is nice. But, since we decided that, it was actually solidified our decision of not sending Kian to school, as he may only have been in a school for a month or 2 before being moved completely out of the district. If he was older, it wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but kindergarten, just knowing all the changes a kindergartner goes through in the beginning.

With all that going on, lessons during the day, house searching in the evenings, daily routines and chores and yard work and all that goes with taking care of a family on a regular basis, we've been busy. Our guests and babysitting children left in August, we celebrated Karter's birthday, we've been sorting through a lot of things to have a garage sale soon (yes I parted with SOME of the boys baby clothes and things). We took a week or two to get back into "normal" routine. And the busyness never stops, or just changes. And that is why I go to bed so late these days, and that is why I need to be in bed about 2 hours ago!

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