I tried...

...to pretend it wasn't happening. Alas, I can pretend no longer. I am sick. Yes, sick. I don't get sick often really. Last night I went to bed and was coughing a bit, I tried to blame it on some allergy of dust, pillow, something. This morning I was a bit stuffy and really tired but brushed it off, saying the busy-ness of the last week and a half were catching up with me (or catch-up-ing as Kenny's said before). But, over the course of the day it happened. You know the feeling, post-nasal drip, runny nose, head filling up with mucus and junk, the headache slowly throbbing it's way over so that you feel off balance every time you stand up, earaches. I haven't had a real runny nose in ages. Elissa did ask how long we thought it would take for us to get the cold that was being passed around at Kevin's family party. Ha. She's always right lately-darn her! Perhaps this is also partly to blame for Kian's extreme crankiness the last day or so. How's that work then? I breastfeed to provide the antibodies, so I get the sickness so he doesn't? Hmm... self-sacrificing mothers? haha I am off to bed super early since I have been neglecting myself and my sleep through the holiday season. Here's to OJ, lemon tea and honey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are just an unhealty person.