
I would absolutely love to ride/drive/own a motorcycle. What's hotter than a chick on a bike?

I hate shoes. I rarely wear them, even at work, and my supervisor has told me to keep them on...oops.

I feel ashamed and guilty my child (still) has a pacifier.

I totally freaked out this weekend when my hand brushed a monstrous, furry, tarantula-er- spider. I kept it somewhat quiet because we were at the campground, but had to wash my hand immediately.

Sometimes, I tell Kevin I have to use the bathroom, but really I just sit there and read magazines for a ten minute period of peace and quiet...shh!

I, not-so-secretly, hope Kian doesn't want to run track/cross country like Kevin. I find it too boring to watch. I'll take soccer and football, even baseball, over that.

I've regifted before.

I really, really meant to send out thank you cards for Kian's birthday, but just haven't...yet...

I don't drink milk, and you can't make me!

I got rid of/donated a few of Kevin's shirts he doesn't know about.

I'm beginning to get baby girl fever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My confession. I am beginnning to have baby fever. I am really excited to start a family!!!