Busy, busy, busy

I'm sick. I don't have time to be sick. This evening I was actually able to get off the couch for the first time without thinking I was dying. Karter started it. Last night, he was walking around the kitchen, stopped and just threw up his dinner and milk. Then again. And again. And almost every hour until 3:30 am. That was fun. At first I thought it was his major intake of all things dairy over the weekend (pediasure-which he doesn't drink, cookies and baked goods made with real butter, frosting, cheese, pizza, macaroni and cheese-yeah so much for introducing it slowly. Sorry kid!) But, then I started feeling really yucky about 5 am. I didn't throw up, I tried not to, but really I probably just should have and then my stomach wouldn't have felt like the Civil War cannons pounding around inside it. Ugh.

After 6 hours worth of naps, Karter was feeling considerably better. Some crackers, drinks and more drinks and he could play for half hour here and there. Finally, I am starting to feel better. I'm hungry but afraid to eat. I just can't really afford this time to be sick. I have a cape I want to sew Kian for Christmas. I've resigned to the fact that Karter's won't be made by this Christmas. Easter? Birthday? Something. I've been doing, doing, doing and on the go for the entire month really. Shopping done, wrapping in process, baking like crazy, cleaning, laundry, every day stuff...you name it. And yet, still more to do. I had plans this week, not sickness.

But, as Mary knows, somethings just can't be planned on, can they? (Nice segue, eh?) I love this time of the year, my favorite holiday-right with Easter. I often find myself identifying with Mary, since becoming a mother. To hear the stories of Jesus, the conception, the birth, the life, the death and crucifixion as a person is one thing, but to hear them from a mother's heart, is completely different. It has changed my view, finding deeper meaning and connection at times. The obedience of a servant girl, giving birth in a stable, amazes me. Maybe if she had known the details she might have hesitated? Giving birth with all the luxuries and amenities and technology at my fingertips in what was essentially a hotel room, I can't even begin to imagine. But, she said yes. And a world was saved. (Well the ones that want to be...)

We are pointing first to the Christian beginnings of the holiday for the boys, with the traditional customs following behind. Reminding them the reason for the season, then the fun that follows. It's magical. Each and every ornament brought a sparkle to someone's eye. Each tree we looked at was "the one". Each cookie, each sprinkle, fascinating. And of course, each toy wanted. Even the wrapping paper was awe inspiring. Perfect. Wonder how long this phase lasts? Karter was a tiny baby last year so he was just amazed when he woke up from a nap one afternoon to see trees and ornaments and decorations everywhere. They've both been pretty good about leaving things put, even the dog. Save for the nativity sets, but they are ones they're allowed to play with. Kian collects the 3 baby Jesus', some end up in Lego castles, some in shape sorters. Karter just carries them around everywhere he goes.

Each morning Kian wakes up and says "Mommy, it's Christmas!" Sadly, it's not. So, I am excited for Saturday when he does wake up and yell that and I can say "yes! it is!". And, like every year when I was younger, we will read the Christmas story along with the gift opening. And, I really can't wait!

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